girl with girl parts >

I am really terrible at writing autobiographies. I tend to ramble on and on about useless and meaningless stuff that nobody wants to read anyway. So, instead - in true fangrrl fashion - here are selected questions from many a survey I have lifted from my LiveJournal friends. Please don't enjoy yourself too much.

> hair: shoulder length, layered; currently streaky red, naturally black
> height: 5' 2"
> weight: yeah, I got that whole mass/gravity thing going on
> figure: figure what?
> favourite feature: on moi? hair perhaps
> least favourite feature: everything else

> clothing: trendy yet comfy; mostly in shades of blue, grey, and black
> music: I'll tolerate most anything; love indie rock/alt rock and j-rock
> makeup: the basics are enough
> body art: used to spend hours drawing henna tattoos; who's got the time now?
> shoes: black boots

> tea or coffee: tea, black pekoe and/or crysanthemum
> high achiever or easy-going: high stressed achiever
> cats or dogs: dogs
> pen or pencil: black pen, preferably fine point BiC
> gloves or mittens: gloves, practically everyday
> cassette or cd: disco compacto
> snuff or cigarettes: neither. blech
> coke or pepsi: sprite, fanta limon if available
> matches or a lighter: zippo
> sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: *gag*

Who Do You Want To...
> kill: too many, cannot choose
> hear from: no one
> look like: bits and pieces here and there; Eliza is beautiful
> be like: someone who is happily ignorant and carefree

> drink: cranberry grape
> colour: blue
> shoes: black, leather, boots
> site: there are many
> song: Michelle Branch
> vegetable: spinach, when cooked right
> fruit: strawberries

Do You...
> smoke: only if you count second-hand
> do drugs: nah, drugs are for losers
> sleep with stuffed animals: no, but they sit on the nightstand
> have a dream that keeps coming back: yeah, it's about really large bugs
> play an instrument: am musically challenged
> believe there is life on other planets: of course
> read the newspaper: not usually
> have any gay or lesbian friends: several; they are often cooler than het friends
> believe in miracles: depends on my mood
> believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: forever is a long time...
> consider yourself tolerant of others: as long as they deserve it
> like the taste of alcohol: ew, no
> have a favourite Stooge: Shemp! only because it's fun to say... Shemp!
> believe in astrology: depends on the astrologer
> belive in magic: in the pagan sense
> pray: sometimes
> go to church: not voluntarily
> have any secrets: oh so many
> have any pets: two dogs at home; my room used to be a zoo.. then I killed them
> go to or plan to go to college: one more year of hell
> have a degree: working on it
> talk to strangers who instant message you: not usually
> wear hats: like.. white hat or black hat? because I'm a grey hat
> have any piercings: ears
> have any tattoos: non
> hate yourself: more often than should be healthy
> wish on stars: can't be bothered to look outside
> like your handwriting: it'll do
> believe in witches: I am one, baby *snicker*
> believe in Satan: silly Christians
> believe in ghosts: yeah, a bit
> trust others easily: yes, but once you break it, your ass is grass
> like sarcasm: oh, no never, how dare you even ask! *gasp*
> take walks in the rain: only when I have to
> kiss with your eyes closed: when I find out I'll let you know
> sing in the shower: everyone does sometime, don't lie

A - Age: 20
B - Best Quality: uh, I know that I'm a geek and proud of it? *g*
C - Choice Of Meat: chicken or cow
D - Dream Date: Seth Green
E - Exciting Adventure: Australia would be so fun. if not, then Ireland
F - Favorite Food: mum's curry chicken
G - Greatest Accomplishment: travelling to Taiwan by my lonesome
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: I'm sure if I thought hard enough, I could think of one...but at the moment, not really getting anything
I - Interests: image manipulation, web design, fandom, music
J - Jelly: ew, no
K - Kool-Aid: used to like it, but it's a little too nuke-proof for me now
L - Love: isn't brains children, it's blood - blood screaming inside you to work it's will
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: as a fandom geek, my signed James Marster glossies; otherwise, this photo of my grandparents from the 1950s
N - Nicknames: Amezri, Scifi, Science Fiction, Lady
O - Outfit You Love: meh, not really attatched to anything except my wool coat
P - Pizza Toppings: chicken and bacon
Q - Question Asked To You The Most: How are you?
R - Rage: is best served cold. oh, wait, that's revenge
S - Sport To Watch: hockey, euro football
T - Television Show: Buffy, Angel, Farscape, Alias, Charmed, X-Men: Evolution, Lexx, Witchblade
U - Usage of indigenous terms: eh, most of my terms are foreign
W - Winter: preferable to summer. sebacian heat sickness.
Y - Year Born: 1981
Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo

What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where? Winter break, 2001. Spent nearly a month in Taiwan taking care of family business.

One thing you're grateful for, today: pants

What is your favorite high school memory? High school sucked. Um.. okay, how about when Jon S. locked Dan C. in the storage room of the gymnasium.

What do you want to be doing when you are 60? Fully in control of all bodily functions and not a raving loon would be a good start.

Do you have a favorite quote? Seize the day. 'Cause tomorrow, you might be dead.

Do you have any weird preferences? I don't think I understand the question, so I'll guess: pretty boys in make-up.

What is one thing you will never understand about the opposite sex? One thing Hell, let's start with everything.

What's your worst flaw? I think I'm better than everyone else. Or... I think I'm more fucked up than everyone else.

What are you most proud of in your life? Not having killed anyone is a big one.

Tell us about any of your birthdays. They're sad, lonely, and anti-climactic. Birthdays are lame.

Name three of your favorite cartoon characters: Spongebob Squarepants, Buttercup, Souma Yuki (Fruits Basket)

Would you rather be a hobbit, and elf or a dwarf? Elf me

Write any line from any song: So lonely inside so busy out there; all you wanted was somebody who cares

What do you wish you had been named? Ophelia seems appropriate at times.

What book(s) are you reading now? Attempting to read Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? TV critic

What's one of your favourite movies that you're ashamed to admit? "Pump Up the Volume," "Clueless"

What's in your stereo right now? Majandra Delfino - The Sicks

What's the last movie you saw in a theatre? "Resident Evil"

What's your favourite swear word? Son of a motherless whore.

A quote you like: "There is such a thing as fate. It just works in a really messed up way sometimes." And "Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." Of course, you can't forget, "You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit, and Jack left town."

TV character you'd most like to be: Sydney Bristow, Faith (preferably after she gets out of jail), and possibly Darla; then there's Rory Gilmore for pure happiness value

If you were famous, and you could be a guest on a TV talk show, which one would it be? The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Favourite song of the moment: Dirty Vegas - "Days Go By," Chad Kroeger - "Hero"

How much money is in your wallet right now? $83

Which magazines do you read regularly? TV Guide, EW, Cinescape

What time do you wake up in the morning? 7:30am, 8:30am, or 9:30am

What is your current favorite show? Alias

If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you? Probably that Asian girl from Gilmore Girls.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Telekinesis

Who's the sexiest celebrity alive? Just one? Ha! James Marsters (the badass), Hugh Jackman (the accent, that look), Orlando Bloom (the accent), Michael Vartan

Last book you read: A Caress of Twilight by Laurell K. Hamilton

Last phone number you called: Q

Last show you watched on TV: Alias

Last person you hugged: Claire and Kelly

Last person you talked to online: Soulstar and Oz

Years in fandom: Almost five. That's a quarter of my life. How sad.

Years reading slash: A little less than three. Started with Angel//Spike, courtesy Av

Fandoms written in: Dabbled a bit in the Buffy-verse and movieverse X-Men, but have yet to actually finish anything.

Fandoms read: Buffy & Angel, Alias, X-Men the Movie, Witchblade, LoTR, LoTR_RPS

Websites: A bit too many, probably. Twelve at least, but closer to fifteen if you count dead sites.

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