like green fairy absinthe >

The internet is a horribly addictive entity. I've spent almost half of my life online, reading mail and chatting with friends from far away places. And, of course, have various fandom interests. If you would like to learn more about these things, just follow the links below. Be warned: some sections may contain objectionable material.

mailing lists
web design

Here are the people I have known the longest on the 'net and wouldn't know what I would do without:

My braintwin. My Sezzy. I met her over a year ago (has it been that long, darls?) on the WolverineAndRogue list. Back then she was still the archivist for the WRFA. Now she's dragging me along with her in the fandom insanity. I luv her so much! *G* Why is she my braintwin? Well, basically because we think alike and even if i don't completely comprehend what she's saying, I know what she means. I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to save up the $2000 to buy a ticket to visit her in Oz.

This dude rocks my world! He was one of my first online friends (waaay back in 1997) and always sent me gifts from the many, many conventions he went to. DragonCon has always seemed so cool, and some day I might venture out to Atlanta for a visit. Even though he's older, we have very compatible personalities even though he tells these perverted jokes (kidding! ^_~). We don't chat quite as often because of various scheduling issues, which sucks, 'cause I miss those Saturday/Sunday morning chats we used to have.

Phil's girl. ^_^ I started chatting with her several years ago about Buffy and Bronze things and now consider her one of my best friends. She's been there many times to listen to me gripe about something through e-mail or over AIM. Her enemies are my enemies and that's all there is to say about that.

She will go far and I'm just hoping she'll remember the little people. *teehee* I met her through the WR fandom - I almost had a coronary when I realized I was using her original manip in a wallpaper, but it worked out fine. I didn't even lose a limb or anything. She is a very talented artist and singer. I get dibs on the first CD! ::cheeky grin:: She is always fun to talk to and is a fantastic person - and I will beat to death the person who dares to say otherwise.

The only member of Bringers I still keep in contact with because a great lot of them were hard to keep track of and a couple of them were just plain jerks. I help him with webpages and computers (sometimes) and he hooks me up with certain media essentials. Besides that, he's a cool guy. Very fun. It's a working relationship. *g*

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