

“You don’t wear make up!”

Some one actually said that to me the other day when I said I received makeup as a birthday gift. True story. That line basically sums up my personality and makeup. Complete opposites.

Being the daughter of someone who used to work the counter of Shiseido in Neiman Marcus back in the day, you’d think I would have started experimenting with makeup earlier. Apparently my mother was as much of a Tomboy as I am. She hardly uses makeup except for the occasional moisturizer and light foundation.

My first experiment with makeup was about ten years ago for my high school prom. After that evening, I found that my skin was very selective about products I use on it. With little to no knowledge and guidance on makeup usage, I didn’t really bother with makeup. Additionally, makeup was, and still is, expensive especially for a teenager with no job and college tuition to consider.

Ten years and three full time jobs later, now I have money and I have discovered the beauty of mineral makeup and makeup made for sensitive skin. Also nothing is more satisfying than lining your eyes without accidently poking your eyes out or looking like you gave yourself a black eye.

Likes: good food, ice cream, sprinkles, reading, writing, knitting, cross-stitching, hiking, swimming, musicals, video games, archery, shooting, afternoon tea, smart quips, and overall snarkiness

Dislikes: exercise, bad food, reality TV, writing contracts, people with no common sense, and annoying people

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