Black Swan

From: Original artwork by Jody A. Lee for the novel The Black Swan by Mercedes Lackey
Date: Halloween 2006; I-CON 27 (2008)
Awards won: Best In Show at I-CON Masquerade
Pattern(s) used:
Skirt: Simplicity 9966 pattern B

Bodice: 4990

Slip: 5006

Fabric Swatch(s):

I loved loved loved this book, and I was obsessed with the thought of making this as a costume. So I figured for my first Halloween party in my new house, it was perfect. There were a few details that I had to do without due to time and money constraints - I didn't have the time to do the two swans on the bodice, and I spent a LOT of money buying the fabrics for the skirt pieces, so I didn't do the hanging drape at her waste. But I think it came out pretty close to the artwork!

For I-CON I went back and added most of the things that had been missing for Halloween. I added the drape, embroidery (which I did on a separate piece of black cotton and then ironed them on) on the bodice and also replaced the jewels & beads on the bodice. I slit the over-skirt up the middle, which is more like what the skirt in the art piece looks like. Also, instead of doing up my own hair, I got a wig. I figured it would be easier than attempting the hair-do my sister did, especially since I'll be wearing a wig all day long for another costume.

Favorite part: the skirt, the mask and the wings & jewels made by amezri. Also my hair, which my sister Kim did for me! There were a LOT of curls in there, and then the silver spray made it look really cool!

My new favorite part of my re-vamped costume is the new improved bodice and the new jewels amezri and I found. She wire-wrapped them, and they look very cool.

Least favorite part: the bodice - it really was a lot plainer than it should have been and it bummed me out.

My pooch - so it's not part of the costume, but I feel like it's not helping it…

