So this is it. The page. Pages and pages of my obsessions and hobbies. Just what you were dying to know, right? Yeah, I know. There are lots of things to be looked at, so "ooh" and "ahh" at your leisure.

Like every other site on the 'Net, this one is always under heavy construction. If things don't work, either I forgot to put it up or you broke something. You did, didn't you? You broke it!

Just kidding.

So... here's the breakdown. Fangrrl lists a bunch of my fandom interests, with subpages for more fun. Bookish is dedicated to my favorite authors and other textual interests. Aural features music I like, including my current Winamp playlist. Linkage is a collection of websites I frequent. And you can read all about random stuff at my diary.

Thanks to the following people for their support, assistance, and just because it's my page and I can thank whoever I want: Sezza, Nacey, Miche, Jen, Soul', Saffron, and Leyenn. ::hugs:: all around!

This page was made with Photoshop 6.0 and Dreamweaver 4.0, If you don't have Internet Explorer, you'll still be able to view the page.. but without the fun style sheets. So get rid of NetsCRAP and get your ass over to the IE download page!

. home . fangrrl . bookish . aural . linkage . diary .
Astrumignis Productions Fandom