photoI’ve been collecting so many different food recipes lately, that I was super happy to come across The Raw Honey Face Mask from Whole Foods. The recipe uses easy to find pantry staples of honey and vinegar to combat acne. I’ve used this mixture three times a week for the last three weeks in combination with a gentle face wash and toner and have seen a great improvement to my skin, particularly with acne spots. The acne scars don’t appear as red, the acne itself isn’t as pronounced, and my skin just looks overall more toned and glowy. I gotta love natural, wholesome ingredients that don’t cost a fortune and is simple to use. Try this recipe out and share your thoughts.

(Raw) Honey Face Mask
4-1/2 teaspoon organic raw honey 
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or lavender 100% essential oil
Combine ingredients in a clean glass bowl. Using clean fingers, massage onto face (being careful around the area of your eyes). Allow the mixture to become dry and slightly tacky and then pat your skin to get blood flowing to the surface. Rinse with warm water.